We’re not getting any younger…
We know this. Yet, we still slack on putting the efforts forward until it seems to be too late and then one day you wake up and you think “What the hell happened to me?”. Sounds awful, right?
Well the GREAT news is that there are things you can start doing TODAY that can slow down that aging clock and keep your recognizing that friendly reflection for years to come!
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11 Tips to Slow Down The Aging Process
1. Quit Those Bad Habits- NOW!

Smoking, excessive drinking, staying up late reading blogs– we’re all guilty of possessing bad habits at times, but they really do take a toll on our well-being. I personally quit smoking recently after 18 years! I’m not here to tell you it was easy, because it wasn’t, but it’s been almost a full year and I haven’t looked back once. Food tastes better, I smell better, my skin looks brighter- and those are only a tiny fraction of the changes! Smoking ages you prematurely and causes wrinkles! Drink in moderation, get some sleep (those blogs will be there in the morning), kick those bad habits and start reaping the benefits almost instantly!
2. Water, Water and More Water.

The body is made up of mostly water! So, it only makes sense that you should stay topped up all day long. Here’s the kicker, when we become dehydrated, our skin really suffers from this. Women should drink 90oz (11.25cups) of water a day. Now, before you complain that it’s inconceivable to drink that much, I’ve had a maaaany Girls Night Out’s to know that it is very much possible- and that was in a 4 hour span! Grab yourself one of these Elvira 32oz Motivational Water Bottles – but keep in mind you’ll need to drink almost 3 of these to get your daily H2O intake.
3. Daily Exercise

Now, you didn’t think you were going to get through these tips without seeing exercise, did you? Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and exercise just so happens to be great for heart health. Not only that, but exercise keeps us young from the inside out. The American Psychological Association state that regular exercise can help you lose belly fat, guard against chronic disease and handle stress, as well as extend your physical, mental and emotional health and even your sex life. Need I say more? (Source)
If grabbing a gym membership isn’t feasible at this time, going for daily walks, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or picking up some weights for at-home workouts can be very beneficial. Try these 5lb Dumbbells and hit up Youtube for some inspiration.
4. Eating A Healthy Diet

The saying is “you are what you eat”. Now, I’m not saying you’re broccoli, but the truth of the matter is if you eat nothing but fatty foods and junk, then you’re going to feel, well, junky. Focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean protein will do wonderful things for your body and in turn, slows down the aging process. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, essential mega fats, protein, fibre and so much more. Your body needs these nutrients in order to function.
Eating healthier can help with: Increased energy, improved sleep, improved mood, better digestion and physical differences.
Avoid the foods that don’t give you any good benefits and are just full of empty calories, such as fried foods, candy, potato chips, white bread, soda pop, etc.
5. Be Happier.

Honestly, this is probably The Biggest Tip to slowing down the clock and yet one of the least thought about. Hear me out. Happy people engage in more exercise, are more productive, are more resistant to colds, experience faster-wound healing, and tend to live longer! Not to mention, happier people attract other happy people and having close relationships is also better for your overall well-being. Plus, when you smile, your eyes twinkle, your face glows and you appear more youthful – and who doesn’t want that?!
So, how do we just become more happy?! Here are a few tips:
Find a hobby you enjoy doing. Do it often. Whether it’s knitting, bird-watching, blogging, hiking, board gaming, you name it- find it!
Be passionate about something. This is different from a hobby. I personally enjoy solo board gaming but I’m not passionate about it. I do it for fun. What I’m passionate about is music. I read biographical novels about artists, go to concerts, collect vinyl records, and I’m also a Disc Jockey so I study music all the time. When you’re passionate about something, it gives you purpose.
Enjoy the little things. I drive all the time. Every day, many times a day and let me tell you, my drive is SO much more enjoyable when I do these few things. I leave a little earlier, make a coffee or a latte (like this Decadent Dolce Latte!), throw on a great playlist and I roll my window down. If I hit every red light on the way, it doesn’t even phase me- my song’s on, anyways 🙂 The times I leave the house and DON’T do these things, I get frustrated easier, I’m flipping off other motorists and driving feels like a chore, rather than an enjoyable experience. Find happiness in the everyday things.
Laugh often. Throw on a rom-com, hang out with your funny friends, go to a comedy show. Laughter leads to happiness.
6. Start A Serious Relationship With Your Skincare Routine.

No being coy here with this one. You flirted a bit, batted your eyelashes, met the parents and now it’s time to lock it down, seriously. Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and also the quickest to show signs of aging, so if you come home exhausted after a 16 hour day, want to just eat and go right to bed- Don’t you dare! Get off that cute lil tush of yours and make it a priority to wash off that make-up (at the very least), and MOISTURIZE. Every. Single. Day.
It’s also not a bad idea to learn your skin type and start to experiment with different creams and face masks. If you tend to be on the oily side, look for products that target that. If you’re more sensitive, then look for non-fragranced, lighter ingredients. Whatever it is you go with, don’t forget to MOISTURIZE, you got it, every single day! Try this Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Moisturizer for All Skin Types.
7. Collagen, Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid.
Before this became Til Tok Famous (and for good reason), the 3 main ingredients of this product were already famous on their own.
Collagen accounts for 30% of the body’s protein- and is the building block of your body’s skin. It helps new skin cells grow, replaces old skin cells and gives your skin strength and elasticity.
Retinol reduces scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and helps battle acne. It is, in fact, one of the only ingredients that has been clinically proven to actually achieve these results.
Hyaluronic Acid plumps fine lines and wrinkles. It makes skin appear more supple, helps with skin volume loss, and it boosts moisture. It’s also extremely safe to use as allergic reactions and adverse effects are very rare.
It’s not hard to see why these ingredients are imperative for achieving youthful, healthy, glowing skin.
Grab this 3in1 SimpyVital Collagen, Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid: Anti-Aging & Recovery Cream.
8. Sunscreen

Did you know that the sun’s UV Rays are responsible for 80% of visible changes to your skin? 80%!! Wrinkles, dryness, sagging, and spotty pigmentation are all conditions of too much sun exposure.
Make it your daily mission to apply (at least) a SPF 50 Sunscreen (Like this one: Neutrogena Clear Face Sunscreen). Even when it’s cloudy out, the UV Rays still reach you. It’s not a bad idea to also pack a hat wherever you go. Play around with different styles and make them part of your accessory routine. Try this adorable Wide Brim Straw Panama Hat.
9. Self-Care.

Do you know that stress is the kryptonite to our health and well-being? Stress leads to premature aging, and premature aging leads to stress, and it’s a whole stressful vicious cycle!
Take care of your mental health by finding time for self-care. Whether it be enjoying a relaxing bubble bath, having a pamper night (I do these bi-weekly!), journalling, or seeing a therapist if need be, make it a priority to schedule regular date nights with the most important person in your life- YOU!
Consider this book: A Year of Self-Care: Daily Practices & Inspiration for Caring for Yourself.
10. Supplements

*Talk to your doctor before introducing new supplements into your diet*
Vitamin A: One of the most effective vitamins to reverse the signs of aging. It is also known as Retinol, and we already know the advantages of that!
CoQ10: Helps reduce oxidative stress, and stress can cause premature aging, and premature aging causes stress….
Vitamin C: Improves skin hydration, stimulates collagen production, and safeguards against wrinkle development.
Vitamin D: Protects us from one of the most common causes of premature aging, Ultraviolet (UV) Rays, ie. “The Sun”, as we now know. Sun=Bad. Vitamin D=Good.
Zinc: When you have a zinc deficiency, it speeds up the aging process! Get’r into ya.
11. Botox

Disclaimer: I am not telling you to go get Botox. I am not a doctor and I am not liable for any adverse reactions or damages potentially caused by getting Botox.
Now that that part’s out of the way, let’s be honest here. There are some things that no amount of water ingestion, creams, exercise and journalling can do. When you make the same expressions over and over again, it causes wrinkles in those areas. Botox relaxes the muscles under the skin and limits those certain expressions which can smooth out wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance.
If you’re considering this option, please make sure you do your diligent research and consult with a reputable business.
Throw those (EXPENSIVE by the way) cigarettes away, get off the couch more, eat good and exercise, wash your face, and throw some goodness on it. Take time for your self, your passions and be happy about it. Run a bath, chew some vitamins while drinking heaps of water and if all else fails- there’s always Botox. 🙂
Oh, and MOISTURIZE. Every. Single. Day.
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